Sunday, May 13, 2012


So yesterday on my bike ride I found a dead lady in her car.
Ok, so thank God she wasn't dead.
She just looked that way.
Apparently she was tweaking pretty hard, and really shouldn't have been driving, but she was not dead.
Which is a really good thing.
I don't think I could handle that.

I also gave directions to an elderly Indian couple thanks to my iPhone's map feature.
Seriously, what can't this thing do?

Have you made a point to enjoy a sunset?
Not just have it catch you off guard on your drive home from work, but actually count on it being breathtaking and actively chase after it?
Bring your camera when you do.

riding lessons (AHHH SO EXCITED!!!)
allie and mom's birthdays
Jeans vest with floral dresses
Italian jazz
horses (seriously, SO EXCITED!!)
english portfolio deadline apathy
instagram @anoukfox

Thankful for;
My mama llama
my sisters
my boyfriend who fixes my bike and comes to the rescue
my dogs
nana's kitchen
my bike
my kitten nugget
my car
thrift store finds
the sutter buttes
different seasons
my iPhone
my Nikon
good friends
my jobs
and last but not least my God who provides more than I ask for, Thank you.


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