Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Yesterday was my 21st birthday.

I wore my favorite thrifted plaid flannel shirt; got my huge wrappings off my wrist replaced by a slender (and removable!) brace; and got treated to a mass of wonderful texts, emails, and phone calls. Josh and I ran for Chinese take-out. My grandparents, mom, Josh, and I sat at the table and enjoyed. Enjoyed the greasy treat. Enjoyed reviving a tradition of Full House take out on September 24th. Enjoyed a glass of wine. Enjoyed the company. I felt so grown up and loved. Such a simple day, yet one of my favorite birthdays. I am so grateful for so many people and things in my life. My hair is getting so long. My wrist is healing up quite nicely. I am so content in my relationships right now. Weeding out the draining factors has really allowed the good to blossom. I am excited for this year and what is in store.


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